The pattern comes in two sizes - of which I knitted the smaller size. It's a triangular scarf rather than a shawl, and is a good size to wear as a neckerchief, or tucked into a jacket.

Given the number of errors I made along the way (I really shouldn't knit late at night when I'm tired), I'm very pleased with the outcome. Emily previously commented that the Rowan Scottish Tweed is a yarn that is very forgiving of mistakes - and I agree. It also flourishes after blocking.
I've noted that a number of other knitters who've documented their attempts at this pattern on Ravelry have followed the larger size directions for the stocking stitch base of the shawl, and finished with the lace for the smaller size. If I were to make this pattern again - which I think I'd like to do - I'd try the larger size in a thicker yarn to produce a useful everyday shawl.
I bought the pattern on-line and at the same time purchased a print copy of the booklet in which this pattern is included - 'Whimsical Little Knits' by Scots designer Ysolda Teague. The booklet arrived in the post on the day I finished knitting 'Ishbel'. It's a very cute small format with 10 small projects - whimsical perhaps - with charming yet useful photographs and layout. I'm not sure I will use it to make anything else, but I do enjoy having it.

Pattern: 'Ishbel' by Ysolda Teague
Yarn: Rowan Scottish tweed 4 ply SH004 (grey)
Needles: 4mm