They're made from dull brown leather (not dull as in boring but dull as in not shiny) and have an interesting shaped heel. And they're very comfortable.
I'm three-quarters of the way through the year and I have one item left to purchase if I'm to meet my target. Unlikely that I'll succeed. I think there's a pattern emerging here - I'm quite good at not buying clothing - so far only 5 items for the year - but not so good at avoiding purchasing shoes and accessories. Still, as commenters have noted from time to time, these totals would be much higher if it were not for the 12 in 11 challenge. It really has made me think, hard, before purchasing anything.
Clearly, however, there's a limit to how long this challenge can be sustained. I have lots of clothes I've been wearing for a long time, or that I wear frequently. Many of them are becoming rather tatty with wear and some, frankly, are boring. I'm sure I can manage some restraint till the end of the year, but after that - who knows? It will be interesting to see if this challenge has modified my clothes-buying behaviour in a more sustained way.
That is an interesting heel!
I bought six things this month - some jeans, four tops & some trainers/pumps - which is twice as much as the rest of the year put together, and takes me up to 9. I think I'm in the same position as you - I'll show restraint until the end of the year but I probably won't be able to do another challenge next year - too much will need replacing.
I do think though this experience will change my long term behaviour - it's killed the last lingering interest I had in shopping for fun and made me even more concerned with quality & fit etc.
oh they are really, really nice. Striking. Interesting. Wow.
I like the idea of this sort of challenge. If I were to do it it would mean I'd end up with some interesting choices rather than just buying cheap clothes to see me through, I think.
Oh those are fab! Love love love!
I have fallen off the wagon in a big way, but in my defence, I have also sent 4 boxes of clothes from my wardrobe to Vinnies. So I don't feel too bad about it.
I really really think that shoes and accessories shouldn't count for you!
it is interesting to think about buying clothes only because you really need them, not because you just want them. although alleviating boredom is a need i think! love the shoes, i nearly bought one of everything in that shop recently, but stuck to the campers sandals. trippens are next on my list though.
Lovely shoes with amazing heels.
Those are wonderful sandals with a great heel. Too bad winter is coming here in the N.H.
Like your socks Lyn the shoes stopped me in my tracks, however the difference is I just want them !! ...ahhaha
I'm so glad I need a plane to get to that shoe shop.
I'm amazed how you have stuck to your goal and as for your clothes being boring -> Ha ! far from it ! you stylish one you ;)
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