The dotee and her mother (my daughter) are spending two weeks with me before returning to Brisbane. They've made the long trip back to Australia from Cuba; a twelve hour bus trip from Santiago de Cuba to Havana, a plane trip to Mexico City via Panama City (a detour necessitated by complications of Cuba's care in relation to swine flu), then from Mexico City on to San Francisco, and finally the long flight west to Sydney across the Pacific. A big trip for a two year old. They have an excuse for being a bit distracted (and a bit out of focus).
And they are a pleasurable distraction for me. I'm not sure how well my Tour de France KAL project - the Tangled Yoke Cardi - will progress over the next couple of weeks. However, pleasurable distractions are to be valued.
An update on my blog anniversary gifts. The names I drew randomly are Knitness and PomPom. Ness and Sally, I'll get your gifts to you over the next week or so. I do hope you enjoy them.
And doesn't she look lovely in her new cardie!
what a cutie and the cardie looks great Lyn
im exhausted just thinking about the trip! i hope you all have a lovely time together.
That is a big trip - I'm amazed they are even awake, I'd have to sleep for days to recover!
The cardi looks fab on the dotee too - love the shorter sleeve - very practical for a child (and an adult too, I have to say!)
so happy for you that have such a lovely distraction. TdF can wait!
I can't believe I'm a winner! That's wonderful. I've never won a blog prize before and it's come at a great time - I need cheering up a bit! Thank you SO much.
I see you've got two Sallys on here and somehow I've been able to post that comment without it referring to me as Pompom. So I'll try again!
How wonderful to have your daughter and Miss Dotee to visit, a very special treat. My goodness, what a very very long journey to get to you!
The cardy looks wonderful, even when out of focus :)
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