First, there were the hand-beaded slippers I bought in Malaka while on my holidays.

Aren't they lovely? The beads are hand-sewn to crescents of fabric that then become the toes of the shoes. Most of them are high-heeled and in smaller sizes, so I counted myself fortunate to find some large-enough flat slippers. They fall into the category of 'I have no idea when I'll wear them but I can't resist beautiful traditional crafts'.
Then just a couple of days ago a friend led me astray by telling me that my favourite designer was having a sale. This shop almost never has sales so this was just too much to resist. So I have a new charcoal long grey t-shirt with very long sleeves, and some drapey black pants in fine wool (yes, finally, fine black wool pants). These are from the season before last and were a fraction of their original price.
That makes a total of ten clothing items I've bought so far for 2011. Not good - but I do like my new clothes.
The slippers are gorgeous; I can see why they would have been hard to resist.
I'm glad you finally found a pair of fine wool black trousers - do you really have to count them? They are essentials (like underwear), aren't they?
I say shoes don't count, and not do essential fine wool black pants (and anything bought for half price or less!). You know how i love to break the rules!
What's with all this encouragement to me to break the rules? If I didn't count anything I bought for less than half its original price I'd have few things on my list!
oh how i love a good sale! so glad you got the pants youve been looking for. actually, i think the shoes are a souvenir, and also, a work of art, so they cant possbily count! :)
Those slippers are soooo cute and totally get why you couldn't resist them. I think they would look perfect with those GORGEOUS black pants and the lovely grey top you got :D
I think there were a few us that got taken by that fab sale - who could resist it ! ;D ..amazing clothes !
Agreed, like he others here - they don't count cause they were a necessity and a bargain that one could not refuse - so you did yourself a service by buying it ..hehehe
Pretty slippers!
Rather than feeling bad about the ten things so far, how many things do you think you've not impulse bought because of the challenge guidelines? that's the important bit really!
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