[this early morning photo, while rather flattering to the socks, is a very inaccurate representation of the colours. The socks in reality are grey and mustard, though I'm so taken by this delft blue and cream combination that I might try it in the future!]
Maybe this sock knitting is telling me something about myself...
* I never think of myself as a person of extremes, but maybe this sock knitting club tells me something about myself I'd not realised. With sock knitting programs I seem to need to obey rules absolutely, or alternatively I go off on a frolic! Admittedly, a sock knitting frolic is hardly damaging to myself or anyone else, but I've been interested to discover that adjusting or amending the rules slightly seems to be beyond me. One departure from the program seems to license me to make any other departures as the whim takes me. I'm hoping I'm not like this in the rest of my life.
* I'm not an adventurous knitter. I don't really like learning new techniques and ways of doing things. I'm quite happy to think creatively within the range of knitting techniques I mastered long ago, but I seem to be resistant to adding to my skills. I know (to my regret) that I'm like this in the rest of my life.
* I would much rather trust my own design preferences (even if only for a sock pattern) than others'. Maybe this is a bit egocentric, but I have a lifetime of choices informing my preferences. This is definitely true of the rest of my life.
So, I'm knitting some plain patonyl socks, with the border taken from Kristen Kapur's Sockstravaganza pattern in 'Brave New Knits' to jazz them up a bit. A happy and satisfied outcome, but yet another departure from the program.
don't you just love how even knitting can make us learn so much about our preferences, tendencies and quirks?
Those socks are stunning, Lyn. Beautiful!
I can't believe those socks are really mustard and grey! (although that also sounds an excellent colour choice!). I like that if you follow the rules, you really follow the rules. Or not, as the case may be. No namby-pambying for you! Unlike me, who has no will power and will justify anything to suit myself...
I do love these socks, they look fabulous.
So knitting is microcosm of our lives - hmmm! Scary!
I like the socks you're knitting; and I think one should knit what one pleases: we do it for enjoyment after all! (Says me monogamously knitting on a garter stitch blanket I'm a bit bored with - but I don't have to think and I just want to get it done!!)
I started reading this post admiring the colours, now I am thinking good things about mustard and grey!
I love it that knitting can give rise not only to wearable woolens but insights into ourselves as well!
BTW I too love the Delft Blue/Cream combo!
I love the colours in the photo - isn't it funny how cameras can change them!
As for the sock club, I joined, and have not done a single pair. I love joining these things, and never, ever complete them. I wonder what that says about me?
Whatever colour the socks are don't matter cause they stopped me in my tracks before reading your post, and I thought -> love !
Your sock journey is far better than mine Lyn, I've only done one pair, but ! you'd be pleased to know I started a new pair last week and one sock is finished and I CO the 2nd :D
Last night on Survivor, one contestant made a comment I'd not heard before on Survivor. She said - part of the experience is spending time with people you would not normally choose to spend time with and therefore you learn tolerance.
So like your sock knitting comments, it's scary.
I'm interested that you've chosen a number of programs/clubs this year - 12 in 11 is the other example I'm thinking of.
Personally, I've had years when I've tried doing lots & lots of new things, all at once, and years when I've done nothing new. I'm not sure why this happens, but it's interesting to notice, anyway.
FIne colour choice! Those socks are going to be splendid!
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