Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Knitting 2011

I completed eighteen and a half knitting projects in 2011. The half is not an incomplete project but the additional rounds I knitted on my grand-daughter's blanket to match her increasing size.

Ten stitch shawl

This is a slight increase over my 2010 tally, but is somewhat meagre when compared with the prodigious output of some of my knitting friends. Still, the important things are that I'm still finding knitting pleasurable and that I've been happy with almost everything I knitted last year. The majority of the objects I knitted in 2011 (twelve of the eighteen) were gifts for friends and family and, to the extent I can tell, have been warmly received and frequently worn.

By broad category I knitted

2 cardigans (one adult; one child's)
4 shawls
4 pairs of socks
3 scarves
3 hats
2 pairs of mitts
and one blanket extension

My public knitting failure for the year was that I didn't complete the s62011 sock challenge of knitting six pairs of socks to group-chosen patterns. I managed three of the pairs for the year and then just departed on a frolic of my own (more of that later). I've decided I have sock ennui - a grandiose label for the fact that I'm a bit fed up with knitting socks.

So, my personal prize-winners for 2011:

First, the piece of which I'm most proud - Gudrun Johnston's 'Audrey in Unst' cardigan. I knitted this for my daughter and it was a perfect fit and style for her. This must be one of the best patterns ever - well written, classic and even a bit retro in its styling, and with knitted-in sleeves that create such a neat finish. Lovely.

audrey 2

The most favourited project on Ravelry has been the dotee's blanket already pictured above. I think this is one of those projects where the bright and unexpected yarn combines really well with the simplicity of the pattern. It's great fun.

Next, the item that's been most worn. While I can't count accurately how often my gift knitting has been worn, I suspect the winner has to be the dotee's striped yoke cardigan. Not only has she worn it when I've visited, but there are photos from kindy and other outings at which I've not been present where the cardi has featured. Again, this is a great knitted-in-one-piece pattern from Alana Dakos (though a distinct down-side is all the weaving-in of the yarn ends for the striped yoke!)

striped cardi 3

And finally, the project that was most fun to make. This is a hard one as some projects such as the "Audrey' cardigan were extremely satisfying to make, though all the stocking stitch could not really be said to be fun. I think my choice is my frolic socks - knee-high socks in stripes of Noro Silk Garden sock yarn and a vaguely toning maroon semi-solid yarn. These socks were begun on a whim and finished in ten days, so I must have enjoyed knitting them.

frolic socks 3

So that's it for 2011. I have a shawl I've finished knitting but not blocked and some almost completed socks to get me off to a good start in 2012. I have no plans for 2012 knitting other than to have no plan.

In 2012 I shall knit as whim and fancy dictate.


DrK said...

whim and fancy dictate to only knit what you like! i think it will be a much more productive knitting year for both of us operating under that principle. you have made some lovely things this year, and audrey really is stunning. how satisfying to see your beautiful things being worn and loved.

jp said...

I think we have all learned a lot about what we like and what we don't like this year.

Is there anything more delightful than seeing your knitting being worn happily by your loved ones!

missfee said...

I LOVE those socks!!

and the grey audrey cardigan and the dotees cardigan

what about your shawls?

I am with you re socks having a bit of sock not love at the moments - sock exhaustion

Rose Red said...

I can't wait to see where whim and fancy take you!

I still think it is amazing that you knit the stripey socks in 10 days - I think that's an excellent advertisement for whim and fancy knitting!

Brendaknits said...

I love the Audrey. It reminds me of my Peasy except by the sounds of it, Audrey is a good pattern. Peasy caused me grief.

Lynne said...

I still love that blanket and really love the striped yoke cardi! My knitting output also decreased; something to do with an increased interest in sewing, I think! LOL

Zena said...

Whim and fancy is the best! I am looknig forward to plenty of whim and fancy in my knitting for 2012!

I love the dotee's cardi, so pretty and yet so sophisticated, just gorgeous.